At Center Grove, we are excited to welcome visitors. We hope you'll join us for a service and we want to make your visit as meaningful as possible. Our desire and hope is that you find our worship service meaningful in connecting you to the Lord and His people! We would love to get to know you and connect with you in fellowship and introduce you to ministries and opportunities to grow and serve the Lord together. That’s our heart!
Our worship service starts at 9:30 a.m. If you have young children, nursery is available during the worship service. Children age 4 and older participate in worship with their family. Children ages 4 through kindergarten are dismissed to Children’s Worship during the sermon.
When you walk in, find one of our deacons or greeters and introduce yourself. They will help you find the nursery and Sunday school rooms if you have children and help you get seated in the sanctuary.
You will receive a bulletin that provides the Order of Worship for the service so you can follow along, and includes news and events coming up at the church. You will also find a Bible in each pew, along with the hymnals we sing from.
After worship, we engage in a time of fellowship, followed by Sunday school classes for all ages from 11:15am to 12:00pm. We would love for you to join us!
We also have various small group fellowships (Covenant Groups), Women’s Ministries, Choir, and Youth and Family ministries to plug into.
If you have any questions before you visit, feel free to reach out to us at Our heart is to see the Lord’s people grow in “treasuring God by growing disciples of Jesus Christ who will proclaim the gospel and pursue the welfare of our community and the nations!”